



SPS is committed to providing students with a safe educational environment. We are also required by law to complete a criminal background check for every volunteer. 志愿者 applicants must be screened using an approved criminal background check before beginning service. 

Every year over 20,000 family and community volunteers serve in SPS schools. Our volunteer background check requirements are shaped by the following:

  • SPS risk management and volunteer insurance policy with the 华盛顿 学校 Risk Management Pool,
  • RCW 43.43.830 – Background checks—Access to children or vulnerable persons

并反映在 政策没有. 5005“无人监督的志愿者筛选”

小学 school children enjoying recess time on a sunny day. 由AI生成
志愿者 screening helps create safe schools for SPS students.



  • 州背景调查s are free and apply to over 90% of Category A volunteers.
  • Online out-of-state background checks usually cost $21 and are used for some Category A volunteers and all Category B volunteers.

A. 州背景调查

If you have lived in 华盛顿 State for the past three (3) years, we will use the 华盛顿 State Patrol’s database known as WATCH to run your background check (no action is needed on your end). 正常情况下, 这些背景调查每人花费11美元, 然而, 华盛顿 State makes them available to schools (and non-profits) at no charge. 

B. 国家背景调查

The following circumstances require a one-time, $21 national background check:

  • 申请人曾在美国居住.S. for the past three (3) years, including in states outside 华盛顿*.
  • 志愿者 will regularly work with students while unsupervised regardless of how long the volunteer has resided in 华盛顿 State (Category B school or remote volunteers).
  • 所有体育志愿者申请者**.
  • Overnight field trip chaperones if the field trip is three nights or longer.
  • 志愿者 applicant resides in another state (national background check required every two years) *

* 志愿者s who reside in another state must complete a new national background check every two years. 

** Individual schools coordinate and screen volunteer applications for all sports that are not handled by SPS Athletics, 包括俱乐部运动:HS极限飞盘, HS欢呼, HS曲棍球, 跳舞, 和水球. Athletic sports are all disciplines coordinated by the 体育学系 – volunteers must apply through that department (do not use the regular SPS 志愿者 Application process).


  1. SPS has partnered with Sterling 志愿者s (formerly Verified 志愿者s) to offer volunteer applicants affordable, 安全便捷的网上背景调查(21美元). 如果你过去住在纽约州, Sterling 志愿者s transaction total will include an extra $95 charge required by that jurisdiction. 你就可以取消&订购并考虑以下选择.
  2. For former residents of New York State and applicants who prefer not to complete their national background check online, we have fingerprinting services available at the John Stanford Center. The cost for this service is approximately $60; prior appointment is required; results are available two weeks after the appointment—email volunteer@heparrest.net 请示.

How to purchase an online Sterling 志愿者s background check.

国家背景调查s for SPS volunteers are built into our volunteer application system. 访问我们的 志愿者门户指南 for step by step instruction on how to purchase your national background check for Category B volunteer roles.

C. 志愿者s who recently returned to or arrived in the U.S.

If you lived abroad in the past three (3) years and have a social security number, you will need to purchase a one-time international background check ($31 fee) instead of the national background check. 


  • 开始网上订购 – you may be prompted to enter a special code – it is ye427g5
  • 使用你现在的U.S. 网址形式(没有美国以外的地址).S.).
  • 没有社会安全号码? 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 寻求帮助.
  • International background checks can be substituted by a recent (two years) U.S. 使馆签发的J、F、H类签证、绿卡等. 旅游签证不符合条件. 


不幸的是, WATCH does not provide criminal records from other states, 与华盛顿州不同, the federal government does not provide schools with free screening tools. SPS selected an online vendor to offer affordable national screens for volunteers. 

  • A man convicted of child abuse in Oregon applies to tutor SPS students at Cascade 小学 School.
  • Mom of a 4th grader volunteers as a field trip driver. Two years ago, she was convicted of a DUI in California.

Both volunteer applicants would pass the 华盛顿 州背景调查. 


Every parent or caretaker should have the opportunity to participate in their student’s education.

  • 学校 can cover background check fees for low-income families using operating or program budgets, 请求PTA协助, 或为此目的寻求补助金/私人基金. Field trip-related background check fees can be covered through the trip budget.
  • If the background check fee is causing you financial hardship, please contact your school office (请参阅联系人名单),并询问他们是否赞助志愿者背景调查. 如果是这样的话, please have them contact the 志愿者 Services Program Administrator to set up a free background check for you.


志愿者的背景调查是保密的. 我们使用标准 sps范围内的背景审查批准程序 并且,根据要求 SPS政策编号. 5630 , consult the school leader in cases requiring a review.

Thank you for helping us create a safe educational environment!